Category: Neurodivergent

  • The Joy of Starting Over: Why Polymaths (and Neurodivergents) Thrive on Being Beginners

    The Joy of Starting Over: Why Polymaths (and Neurodivergents) Thrive on Being Beginners

    The Beauty of the Blank Slate

    There’s something exhilarating about starting fresh—a blank page, an untouched skill, or a brand-new environment to explore. For polymaths and expats, this isn’t just a rare occurrence; it’s a way of life. While most people seek stability and mastery, polymaths thrive on the thrill of new beginnings, and expats live for the challenge of adapting to unfamiliar landscapes.

    But what makes being a beginner so rewarding? And how do polymaths and expats turn what others might see as discomfort into a strength?

    Why Polymaths Love to Start Over

    Polymaths are defined by their insatiable curiosity. They’re not content to stay in one lane—they want to learn everything about everything. Starting something new scratches that itch for discovery and growth.

    • The Beginner’s Mindset Fuels Creativity.
      Studies in neuroscience show that novelty activates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and sparking creativity. The joy of starting over isn’t just emotional; it’s chemical.
    • Mastery Isn’t Always the Goal.
      For polymaths, the journey is often more important than the destination. The act of exploring and experimenting brings fulfilment, even if it doesn’t result in mastery.
    • Beginnings Teach Resilience.
      Every time a polymath starts fresh, they’re flexing their adaptability muscles. Learning to navigate the unknown fosters confidence and resilience.

    Why Moving Countries Feels Like a Polymath Adventure

    Expats share a similar love-hate relationship with being a beginner. Moving to a new country can be overwhelming, but it also opens the door to endless possibilities.

    • Everyday Life Becomes a Lesson.
      Learning how to navigate a new culture, speak a different language, or understand unfamiliar systems (like public transportation or healthcare) is the ultimate crash course. It’s as if the entire world becomes your classroom.
    • New Surroundings, New Perspectives.
      Much like trying a new hobby, immersing yourself in a different culture shifts your worldview. You begin to see life through a new lens, which can spark ideas and insights that you’d never encounter otherwise.
    • Connection Through Curiosity.
      Just as polymaths connect with others by exploring shared interests, expats bond with locals and other travelers by embracing curiosity and asking questions.

    Tips for Thriving as a Beginner

    Whether you’re picking up a new hobby or navigating a new homeland, here are some ways to make the most of starting over:

    1. Celebrate Small Wins.
      Success doesn’t have to mean mastery. Every small step forward—whether it’s learning to say “hello” in a new language or successfully assembling IKEA furniture in a new country—deserves celebration.
    2. Embrace the Awkwardness.
      Being a beginner is inherently messy, and that’s okay. Laugh at your mistakes, whether it’s dropping your archery arrow or accidentally ordering something you didn’t mean to in a restaurant abroad.
    3. Find Your Community.
      Surround yourself with others who share your passion for learning or adapting. Polymaths find collaborators, and expats find friends. Either way, shared experiences make the journey richer.
    4. Document the Journey.
      Keep a journal, start a blog, or take photos. Documenting your progress not only helps you reflect on how far you’ve come, but also creates a treasure trove of memories to look back on.

    Why Starting Over Isn’t About “Starting Over”

    For polymaths and expats alike, starting over doesn’t mean erasing the past—it means building on it. Every new skill you try, every new country you live in, and every mistake you make along the way becomes part of your unique tapestry.

    So whether you’re dabbling in woodworking or learning how to navigate life in Australia, embrace the beginner’s mindset. You’re not just starting over—you’re starting forward.